eCommerce Payment Processing Comparison For Malaysia

New merchants ask us all the time about choosing the right payment gateway to pair with their online eCommerce solutions, and the truth is there is no standard answer. We can usually help a merchant decide based on what their priorities are, such as cost, application time, or withdrawal time. So here is a eCommerce payment processing comparison to get you started.


We’ve made this simple comparison between Paypal, Molpay, and iPay88 which will help you get an good overview of which you want to start with: Comparison table of 3 payment gateways in Malaysia

We usually recommend Paypal to merchants who are just starting an online business. In our experience, new merchants want to see results before committing to a paid option like Molpay or iPay88. Paypal accepts local credit and debit cards for online transactions as well, although it doesn’t have access to online banking like CIMB Clicks or M2U. Paypal Merchant accounts are also able to be set up quickly and be ready for trading.

Either ipay88 or Molpay will do for Malaysian merchants that only want to reach our local market, and already have large sales volume. This is because of the above-mentioned access to local online banking making transactions smoother for shoppers, which increases the potential for conversions.

If you need further assistance don’t hesitate to contact us via Email, Facebook or Twitter!

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