3 Mistakes E-commerce Businesses tend to make. Building your own e-commerce store might be easy, however it does involve quite a bit of thought and dedication. This blog post will show you the 3 main mistakes people tend to make when starting up their online business.
Happy New Year 2013 From InstanteStore

In a few hours, we will bid goodbye to 2012 and welcome the brand new year of 2013. While 2012 may have its set of challenges along with its ups and downs, let’s not forget to be thankful for the victories and successes that we have experienced along the way in doing business online. May the year 2013 bring you to greater heights of success in both your personal life and work.
Build Your Own Online Store With Proper Planning
Are You Making Full Use Of Google For Your Business?
Heard the news that Google’s Chrome usage finally surpassed Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser recently. Thought that it was about time. I suppose the main reason why many users are switching to Chrome is because the browser is clean cut, fast and works with all of Google’s applications across the board. Personally, I used to enjoy using IE before I came across Mozilla Firefox. Now, I prefer Chrome as it does not have all those irritating search bars and constant update request which ends up slowing everything down.