Discounts and Offers: Can It Be An Advantage To Your Business?

How Offers and Discounts Can Be An Advantage To Your Business Instantestore

Everyone loves a good discount, I know I do. You’re probably wondering how offers and discounts can be an advantage you. Yes, your profit might not be that much. However, at the end of the day you’re still profiting (at least a little) from the sale. Which is not completely a bad thing! And here’s why…


Guerrilla Marketing: 4 Ways It Can Help Your eCommerce Store


Guerrilla Marketing Instantestore

You’re probably wondering how guerrilla marketing can help your eCommerce store? Of course it can! There are so much possibilities when it comes to marketing. Just because you have a store online that does not mean you have to limit yourself to only doing traditional online marketing (eg: social media, SEO, email marketing and etc).

“Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.” – Mike Volpe
