Explained: Ecommerce Jargon For Newbie Online Merchants – Part 2

Every day, it seems that about a dozen new ecommerce terms are introduced to the online business community. Some catch on, but many are condemned to the dungeons of forgotten and unused ecommerce jargon forever.

In the first part of this series we talked about SEO, SEM, hard goods and soft goods, Internet merchant accounts and conversion rates. We continue this series with 5 more terms which should interest web store newbies. Most of these terms have been around for a while so it’s useful for a web site shopping cart owner to know what they actually mean.


Is Your Store Prepped For The Holidays Yet?

Just over 50% of online shoppers begin their shopping as early as October. Sadly, less than 15% of merchants are prepared for this. Almost 90% of shoppers surveyed use the Internet to do a bit of comparison shopping. Some end up making their purchases at conventional stores. But fret not owners of online only stores, because 53% of those surveyed revealed that they would buy online. If you own both offline and online stores: lucky you!

This is the period when top website ecommerce hosting shopping cart providers report an increase in sign-ups  as well.

So what do you need to do to get ready for the virtual holiday crowd?…


3 Simple Tips to Consider Before Spending Thousands on Your Ecommerce Store Design

Before you go ahead and design your ecommerce store, there are several items that you should look into first. Carefully consider these points before plunging in head-on and discovering only later that your website is not converting visitors into customers.

So, how do you design a sales-converting ecommerce store? The answer is simpler than you think… (more…)

How To Make Your Online Stores More Attractive

Driving lots of traffic to your site is important, but what’s even more important is designing a website that makes visitors stay once they’re at your site.

So you’ve invested a lot of time, money, and effort into creating a remarkable product. Your store ranks in the top 10 in search engines. You’ve spent a huge amount in advertising to get there. All of this will have gone to waste if visitors don’t stay at your site once they arrive.

Here are 5 important website design tips to make your site more alluring. You will definitely want your website to attract as many visitors as possible and at the same time motivate them to stay for a while so that they get the chance to know what you are offering and convert them into paying customers.

Read on to learn about our website design tips… (more…)

Elevate Your Web Store Profits – Select The “Right” Ecommerce Template

If you carry out a Net search for designer spectacles, how much time do you figure you might spend searching? Just like many other internet shoppers, we would likely be prepared to browse a few web pages but may only be inclined to spend a few seconds on each page.

The truth is, a landing page has only 10 to 15 seconds to draw a visitor’s attention before the store visitor is lost forever. Love it or hate it, this is the frenetic pace most of us live with these days. Hence, it is important to design your landing page to be as “sticky” as possible.

The most basic tool a site should have is the right ecommerce template. There are practically thousands of ecommerce templates out there and some are even provided free as part of a shopping cart software package. But ecommerce templates alone may not be sufficient — they need to work in synergy with other contributing components.

In an effort to help you obtain the best out of your ecommerce template, here are 3 very useful smart tips. Click to read on… (more…)

Appropriate Ecommerce Templates Can Boost Your Web Store’s Earnings?

Has it ever occurred to you why your web store’s bounce rate is so high despite having the best offers online?

The problem could possibly lie in your ecommerce template. Many web store owners do not place enough emphasis on ecommerce templates. They do not recognize that ecommerce templates play a key part in getting a visitor to make a purchase. In all truth there is a science to this. The combination of colors, fonts and placement of elements plays a part in transforming a mere visitor into an individual who would spend money on your products. Obviously, that is exactly what each and every web store owner wants.

First impressions are crucial to drawing a visitor’s curiosity. A site has maybe only 10 seconds to achieve this. Every component on the page has to work perfectly in tandem to make this happen. Every feature on the page has a purpose. Nothing should be there simply for aesthetic purposes alone. If a component isn’t playing a part in helping you close a sale then it should be regarded as a waste of both your time and your customers’.

So how exactly does a store owner pull off such a feat? (more…)

Tips That Work – Use Colors To Create ‘Sticky’ Landing Pages

Congratulations! You’ve managed to get visitors to your store. But what’s next?

Obviously,  getting them to buy something would be at the top of the list but there are many factors that need to be put into play before this can happen.

First impressions are important; a typical site visitor has a ‘fickle’ mindset and will decide if a site is worth his time in less than 10 seconds. If a visitor is turned off by a certain component of the landing page, the color for example, then the next course of action for the visitor would be hitting the ‘x’ button at the top right hand corner of the page. So roughly it would take less than a second to lose a potential customer.

So what do colors have to do with the “stickiness” of a site? Keep reading to find out… (more…)