14 Crucial eCommerce Features You Should Be Using [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are You Using THE ONE Proven Tactic to Boost You Black Friday Sales By Up to 320%?
It’s that time of the year again!
Did you know that there are less than 4 days before the biggest sales period of the year? Both Black Friday & Cyber Monday are set to rake in the lion’s share of sales this season as holiday shoppers scour the web for the best deals.
So is your eCommerce store ready for the year end shopping galore? What have you prepared to OFFER your customers?
Starting an online business requires a good business strategy with a lot of planning. Knowing what needs to be prepared when setting up an online store and how to go about it is crucial to help you get your ecommerce business off the ground.
Your website may be turning visitors away without you knowing it. When was the last time you made sure that your site was up to date?
Here are 4 crucial ways to update your website which every business should look into urgently.
Cross selling is good, as long as you know what, where and when to cross sell. Cross selling helps improve per order value when done right. It also helps improve the image of the store especially if it seems that the items you suggest would actually benefit the shopper in some way.
But cross selling can harm your sales and reputation if you do not put any thought into it.
Have you ever wondered why people still shop at online stores where items cost more than at other stores? Why don’t those stores just price match or under cut their competitors?
Well, for one thing, bigger stores might have economies of scale but they might have higher overheads too. If price matching and undercutting is going to end up eating into profits, staying afloat might be a challenge.
So, stores like that bank on other methods to attract customers. They know they won’t attract everyone, but as long as the volume they attract can make them a profit, that’s all they need.
It’s been well documented on this blog that I run and therefore I buy lots of running related gear on line as well as conventional stores. I can tell you that it’s not always about the price, especially when trying something new. It’s most often about the relationship and trust factor.
We’re pretty excited to introduce our new template split test feature for all our merchants to try out. The new template split test allows them to gauge how well the template of their store is performing as compared to another or several other templates. Yup, you can choose and customize up to 5 different templates if you want! Decide which ones you want to go live and the system will do the rest.
I was just reading an article on ecommercetimes.com about giving customers a buying experience they can’t resist. And right before that I was looking at marketing campaigns of a few companies. I looked at their ads on search results pages, re-marketing ads and call-to-action (CTA) elements on their sites.
Although I found some of the copy very enticing, I noticed that a few of those companies made it rather difficult for me to actually buy their products. That pretty much slammed the brakes on my buying mood.
I’ve always said that everything on a store page should somehow lead a visitor to add a product to cart and hopefully the visitor will end up successfully completing the checkout process.
Our ecommerce solution offers lots of tools that can both improve conversion as well distract visitors when not applied wisely.You don’t have to use every single tool that’s available. Chill a bit and look at your store from the point of view of a visitor, a potential buyer.