Got An Online Business Opportunity? Here’s Why You Should Take It.

There are reasons why more and more people are starting up web stores. Every year more than half a million people in the US alone set up new small  businesses regardless of the economic situation. And these figures do not include the many more who work from their homes either part-time or full-time.

“Being an entrepreneur is all about risk and innovation, not timing the market.”Jason Shellen, former Google employee


Advice On Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business can be daunting. There are just so many things to consider that sometimes you might feel you’ve left something important out. Though there are many advantages of starting your own business and the rewards may be great, there are still risks that need to be considered. Many businesses succeed but for each of those that thrives, there are many others that fail. The ones that succeed have a few things in common.

Not everyone who wants to start their own business is unhappy with their current salary or work environment. Some just have the urge to start something of their own which they could perhaps one day leave to their children as an enduring legacy. Others want to be their own boss and maybe earn a little extra to finance the purchase of a dream car without jeopardizing the kids’ college fund.


Shopping Bots – An Online Business Opportunity To Make More Money

Shopping bots are also known as price comparison sites. Consumers use shopping bots’ search engines to look for particular products and then compare prices and other available information such as consumer ratings and reviews.

Shopping bot and price comparison services are growing at a rate of over 30% per annum. Such services have become so popular that many have been bought up by industry giants like Microsoft.

Traffic arriving from such sites is targeted and the likelihood of a visitor ending up buying something is high. Which is why many online stores register with shopping bots. If you are an business opportunity seeker who has just started a web store with an easy shopping cart and you’re looking for an online business opportunity to make more money, making use of shopping bot and price comparison services could be very useful.


Can Viral Marketing Work For You?

Viral marketing, just like any type of online marketing campaign, aims to drive as much traffic to a site as possible. It actually leverages on the numbers game: the more traffic that ends up at your site, the higher the possible number of conversions.

Of course a viral marketing campaign has to work hand-in-hand with other aspects of the page in order to convert visitors. Read more about that here.

But what actually is viral marketing and how can you formulate a campaign yourself to help drive traffic to your store?


How To Use Keywords Effectively: Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we went over the basics of effective keyword usage.

It’s important that you choose and use your keywords effectively by making sure that you use them exactly and sprinkle them naturally throughout your page. We’ve written about the different elements that make up a page, and briefly defined what keyword density means.

In this article, we’re going to talk about how to use your keywords effectively in each part of your pages.

Read on as we go through each section individually… (more…)

How To Use Keywords Effectively: Part 1

In a previous article, we introduced the basics of good keyword research and went over how important it is to find, research, and identify good keywords. In a very brief nutshell, you should choose keywords that are both popular and yet not overly-competitive, and each page of your store (home/front page, category, product and information pages, etc.) should have its own set of keywords (1 primary and 2-3 secondary) that you intend to target.

Now, having all the right keywords that you should be targeting is very important first step, but it’s also crucial that you use these keywords effectively on your pages. Effective keyword usage will determine whether or not your keywords and pages are found and indexed by search engines, as well as how well your pages rank.

So, how exactly do you use keywords effectively?


Make Recommendations The Clever Way

We’ve been posting a lot of articles lately on techniques to improve sales with the tools available with some of the best ecommerce solution software in the market. We’ve done so because the holidays are just a few months away and we want our merchants to make the best of this shopping season. We’ve touched on cross-selling and up-selling in earlier posts and we will take it a step further here.

There are certain things that even the best ecommerce solution or best free shopping cart software can’t help you do. This is because there’s a lot of psychology involved in getting a customer to buy a product, let alone buy or spend more than they originally planned to. Unfortunately, web hosting shopping cart technology hasn’t reached such an advanced state…yet.
