5 Ways To Make Your Website More Trustworthy

5 Ways To Make Your Website More Trustworthy

With any new relationship, trust is always the first emotion we need to feel toward each other in order to move forward. In this case, your customer needs to be able to trust you before buying something from you. They need to trust that you are who you claim to be and your products are what you say they are. But how do you get a complete stranger to trust you when they probably know nothing about you? This post will cover 5 ways you can gain a customer’s trust just by using your website.


3 EASY Mistakes : E-Commerce Businesses Make

EASY MISTAKES- E-commerce Businesses Make

3 Mistakes E-commerce Businesses tend to make. Building your own e-commerce store might be easy, however it does involve quite a bit of thought and dedication. This blog post will show you the 3 main mistakes people tend to make when starting up their online business.


Discounts and Offers: Can It Be An Advantage To Your Business?

How Offers and Discounts Can Be An Advantage To Your Business Instantestore

Everyone loves a good discount, I know I do. You’re probably wondering how offers and discounts can be an advantage you. Yes, your profit might not be that much. However, at the end of the day you’re still profiting (at least a little) from the sale. Which is not completely a bad thing! And here’s why…


Guerrilla Marketing: 4 Ways It Can Help Your eCommerce Store


Guerrilla Marketing Instantestore

You’re probably wondering how guerrilla marketing can help your eCommerce store? Of course it can! There are so much possibilities when it comes to marketing. Just because you have a store online that does not mean you have to limit yourself to only doing traditional online marketing (eg: social media, SEO, email marketing and etc).

“Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.” – Mike Volpe


WhatsApp Share & Contact Mobile Store Buttons

WhatsApp Share And Contact feature on various mobile pages

WhatsApp is the juggernaut of mobile messaging apps. It has prevailed over many competitors which have branded themselves as much cooler with much more hip features. Alas, fads don’t last and WhatsApp remains one of the first apps downloaded when a new phone is purchased. It’s the darn emojis, I tell you. In January 2017, it was revealed that WhatsApp monthly active users have increased by 200 million, year on year. It now has a whopping 1.2 billion monthly active users. If you’re an InstanteStore merchant, find out below why you should tap into this resource and how to go about setting it up the WhatsAppp Share & Contact button for your store.


Drive Customer Engagement – Get Reviews On Google

Google Search Results for InstanteStore

Customer engagement is something that many merchants try to avoid like a plague…mainly because they have no idea how to go about engaging customers. Engaging your customers is a good way to remind them that you’re still alive and kicking and provide products and services that they might want or need. Lazada, AirAsia, Google Maps, Facebook Reviews and Booking.com are just some of the site’s which frequently try to engage me. Some of their strategies are pretty good and some are borderline spammy. Find out what works and what doesn’t and what does the image above have to do with this article.


How Instagram Can Help Online Selling – Malaysia

how to integrate Instagram onto your ecommerce website

Instagram is a great social media platform to use when it comes to marketing and online selling – Malaysia and of course other parts of the world too. What’s cool and unique about Instagram is that it allows you to share as many pictures as you’d like with captions on your mobile device with your followers. Also, according to an article written based on a survey by the Malay Mail Online, Malaysians are the most active Instagram users in Asia Pacific.

This article will tell you how you can use Instagram to help benefit your business.
