3 Mistakes E-commerce Businesses tend to make. Building your own e-commerce store might be easy, however it does involve quite a bit of thought and dedication. This blog post will show you the 3 main mistakes people tend to make when starting up their online business.
Guerrilla Marketing: 4 Ways It Can Help Your eCommerce Store
You’re probably wondering how guerrilla marketing can help your eCommerce store? Of course it can! There are so much possibilities when it comes to marketing. Just because you have a store online that does not mean you have to limit yourself to only doing traditional online marketing (eg: social media, SEO, email marketing and etc).
“Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.” – Mike Volpe
InstanteStore Project Merdeka 2016 Collaboration

InstanteStore is proud to be part of Project Merdeka this year as our nation celebrates it’s 59th birthday.
Project Merdeka is a collection of deals offered by local Malaysian startups to celebrate Merdeka which is Malaysia’s Independence Day or Hari Kebangsaan.
Ecommerce Tips To Retain And Grow Your Customer Base

One of the biggest challenges faced by online sellers is sales conversion. With so much effort put in to build an online store, it needs to be worthwhile for your online business to take off.
Here are some crucial and practical tips to retain and grow your customer base.
eCommerce Store Increased Sales: 3 Visual Recommendations

Research has shown that the more time people spend in a store, the more money we end up spending. So the goal is to get people to stay in our eCommerce shops for longer than initially intended. How do we achieve this? (more…)
Ever Done An SEO Check On Your Site?
Whether you’re a new online site owner or you’ve been in the ecommerce business for quite some time, it’s always wise to do an SEO checkup to make sure everything is in order. This helps you see the condition of your site so that you can make the necessary changes immediately if you spot anything amiss.
Here’s the basic rundown on how you can DIY (Do-It-Yourself).
Lessons We Can Learn from Roger Federer’s Wimbledon 2012 Win!
This year has been a year full of sporting events especially in these summer months. It started with the French Open in late May, followed by Euro 2012 and then Wimbledon, Le Tour De France (happening now!) and the Olympics in London at the end of the month which everyone is looking forward to! If you’re a sports enthusiast like me, I guess you will practically be glued in front of the tube catching the events and cheering for your fellow countrymen.
But what I really want to talk about is Roger Federer’s win at Wimbledon last Sunday. You may be wondering what has his win got anything to do with business or eCommerce for that matter? There is quite a few lessons that we can learn from the Swiss master’s win actually. As I was sitting there watching the match cheering RF on (sorry Brit fans!), all these thoughts just came to mind and I just wanted to share with all of you here.
Are You Making Full Use Of Google For Your Business?
Heard the news that Google’s Chrome usage finally surpassed Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser recently. Thought that it was about time. I suppose the main reason why many users are switching to Chrome is because the browser is clean cut, fast and works with all of Google’s applications across the board. Personally, I used to enjoy using IE before I came across Mozilla Firefox. Now, I prefer Chrome as it does not have all those irritating search bars and constant update request which ends up slowing everything down.

Have You Got The Year Planned Out?
Hope all of you had a good time celebrating Valentine’s Day. For those in the States, the recent President’s Day weekend would have been a good holiday break. Speaking of holidays, it’s always good to plan the whole year out for your online business. Like WHEN to put your store on SALE, new PRODUCT launches and special OFFERS. It’s also vital that you have Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas marked early so that you will have a better plan on what to offer during those hectic sale seasons.
Appreciate Your Customers This Valentine’s Day
Ah, yes, February! It’s that time of the year where couples get overly romantic, buying gifts and assorted plant life for one another, trying to impress each other in attempts to proclaim their love and affection.
To merchants, this is yet another opportunity to show your appreciation to your customers. Especially those of the fairer sex. Take the time to APPRECIATE your CUSTOMERS with simple gestures and you will reap the rewards soon enough. Not only will you end up retaining a customer, you may even get new ones once word-of-mouth of your thoughtfulness spreads.
It does not take much to say thank you to a valued customer. You could send a physical Valentine’s card with discount voucher from your store enclosed. You could also enclose a gift voucher for a couple of drinks at a local coffee house. If your store sells cosmetics or beauty products, send them some free samples. For those who are selling toys, send them a small soft toy with a personal note.
For your most valued customer, you could choose to send a PERSONALIZED gift so that they really know that you appreciate them. Send them some chocolates with a personal thank you note that includes your store’s name, logo and address. Don’t get all stressed out if they arrive slightly after Valentine’s Day. A simple Valentine’s Day greeting card or gift – here at InstanteStore, we love chocolates (hint) – would also brighten up anyone’s day.
Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!