Talk about bitter rivalry. Apple Pay made headlines from a successful launch and within only 72 hours got a massive 1 million credit card signups. However, all does not seem well with some of the major retailers who had previously come together to form MCX (Merchant Customer Exchange) lead by Walmart.
Cutting Edge Techniques
Apple Pay Rocks Digital Wallet Market

Payment pioneer PayPal got their world rocked with the launch of Apple Pay recently. Bundled with the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Apple intends to make headway into the payments industry by offering a smooth and easy way to pay for stuff at a touch of a button. Apple is currently working with Stripe and is aggressively signing up with banks and card issuers like Visa and MasterCard in the States before expanding to other countries.
Smart Card Technology Heats Up Payments Industry

There’s one thing that we really love about technology is the fact that it’s supposed to make things better, faster and easier for everyone to get things done. The payments industry is heating up with two new smart card technology players that are offering consumers the convenience of storing all their cards in one single device. Say goodbye to bulky wallets where one used to keep all their credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, gift cards and even access cards. That’s a lot of cards!
3D Printing Technologies Bringing Positive Change

I’m fascinated with the advancement of 3D print technologies. It looks like 3D print technologies is bringing a fresh change to every aspect of business, education, arts, music, medical, design, technology and soon – every day life.
Introducing The InstanteStore Template Split Test

We’re pretty excited to introduce our new template split test feature for all our merchants to try out. The new template split test allows them to gauge how well the template of their store is performing as compared to another or several other templates. Yup, you can choose and customize up to 5 different templates if you want! Decide which ones you want to go live and the system will do the rest.
Is Your Business Innovating With The Times?
I’m sure all of you had a great Christmas celebrating with family and friends. It’s been quite a holiday season. My inbox was literally flooded with so many emails from retailers! Am sure the coming year 2014 will be fantastic. That is provided that companies continue to innovate and improve on their services and products.
With tonnes of businesses all selling online, what will make these small businesses stand out among their competitors? Pricing alone may be a major draw but consumers these days are looking for something better other than excellent customer service. Are the products and services that you’re offering still meeting their needs? It’s one thing to assume but another thing to actually get into your customer’s head to figure out what they exactly want.
Tips To Capture Online Black Friday 2013 Shoppers

Yup, it’s that time of the year again where everyone starts to get ready for the Thanksgiving weekend. Not so much on the amount of food that one will be eating as compared to the shopping frenzy that’s going to happen. Even before the pie crumbs hit the plate, I’m sure tonnes of people will be looking at their mobile phones and tablets to buy something that they’ve had their eyes on for the past few weeks or months!
Optimize Your Images Without Compromising Quality

For those who have tonnes of images to upload to their store, it can get pretty annoying when you realize that your disk space is not enough while your bandwidth slows down due to heavy images loading on your site. One of the free solutions would be to use Jpegmini which is an online software to help crunch the size of your images without compromising the quality of the pictures.
Tired Of Shopping Cart Abandonement By Shoppers?

We’ve all gone through it. Before the final payment page we chose to abandon the shopping cart. What triggered it? Shipping rates too high? Additional tax? I usually enjoy shopping online for the best deals but the nightmare usually hits when I see the shipping charges. If the charges were reasonable, I wouldn’t mind paying and completing the checkout process. But when shipping costs more than the product itself or looks totally unreasonable, I confess I’m one of those who would gladly abandon the cart or abort the order. Any buyer would do the same.
Why Your Business Should List On Google Places?

The answer is simple. To gain more exposure in search results on Google Search, Maps, Google+ and on mobile devices. This not only applies to those that have a brick and mortar store. It is also helpful for those who run an online business.
Think about it. Consumers these days use Google to search for products, services and local businesses with their smartphones, tablets or laptops. By providing all the relevant business information when you sign up with Google Places, it helps Google offer a better and more accurate search result to consumers who are looking for specific categories of products and location.