Alibaba Breaks Record In China’s Singles’ Day 2014

What a super duper year it has been for Alibaba. Their IPO launch blew away investors’ expectations with the highest IPO raised at $25 billion. And today is China’s Singles’ Day. It looks like everyone in China bought something online! For those of you who are in the dark, China’s Singles’ Day can be considered America’s Thanksgiving weekend sale rush. The only difference is that it’s all happening on one day – 11.11.14.


Apple Pay Rocks Digital Wallet Market

Payment pioneer PayPal got their world rocked with the launch of Apple Pay recently. Bundled with the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Apple intends to make headway into the payments industry by offering a smooth and easy way to pay for stuff at a touch of a button. Apple is currently working with Stripe and is aggressively signing up with banks and card issuers like Visa and MasterCard in the States before expanding to other countries.


Smart Card Technology Heats Up Payments Industry

There’s one thing that we really love about technology is the fact that it’s supposed to make things better, faster and easier for everyone to get things done. The payments industry is heating up with two new smart card technology players that are offering consumers the convenience of storing all their cards in one single device. Say goodbye to bulky wallets where one used to keep all their credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, gift cards and even access cards. That’s a lot of cards!


New InstanteStore Website Launched

Well our brand new website sure looks like a breath of fresh air. We’ve taken the effort to do some massive spring cleaning so that visitors and customers won’t be overwhelmed with all the information that we previously had on the old website! We hope you like the new InstanteStore website design. It just went live a couple of days ago.

New InstanteStore Admin Panel
New InstanteStore Admin Panel
