What is Google Authorship Markup?
Google authorship markup is a fantastic way to have the content you’ve created and published be credited to you when it appears in search results. It could be content on blogs you contribute to and even your store.
How does it work?
Well, all you need to do is link your Google+ account to the content you’ve published and vice versa.
If you’re selling items directed at a target market that already knows more about your products than you do, you may want to change your marketing approach, specifically the images or stock photos you use. Stores selling niche products like aftermarket mods for cars and bikes, organic supplements and dedicated sports products use this method.
I remember reading a joke many years back about a guy who walked by a restaurant and stopped at the menu stand outside the front door. The images of the food looked so inviting that he could not resist having a meal there. Unfortunately, he was less than pleased with what he ate. He summoned the maitre d’ and said to him, “My compliments to the photographer.”
User Experience Honeycomb Design by Peter Morville.
User experience can make or break a site. The user experience honeycomb design above puts things very simply if you’d like to take a closer look at the user experience expect of your site. If your site checks all the boxes, it’s good to go. But more often than not, it won’t.
For many of us, we only look at 2 of the elements listed above – findable and usable – and disregard the rest. As long as our site can be easily found on search engine results pages and the features on it work as they should, we think our work is just about done. But that’s not the case now, is it?
Google has been increasingly harping on user experience these past couple of years. Everything is important, from the point a user clicks your online store’s link on SERPs to the time the same user exits your store.
I’ve always said that everything on a store page should somehow lead a visitor to add a product to cart and hopefully the visitor will end up successfully completing the checkout process.
Our ecommerce solution offers lots of tools that can both improve conversion as well distract visitors when not applied wisely.You don’t have to use every single tool that’s available. Chill a bit and look at your store from the point of view of a visitor, a potential buyer.
Link building is still iiiimportant in this post Google Panda & Penguin Updates day and age. But this time around link quality is more important than ever.
A new year is almost upon us. Many of you would have budgeted to give your store a whole new look or at least a fresher-upper. Though having a nice looking store helps in getting visitors to stay longer and browse along, having a store with customized features targeted at your customers can help you convert better.
Here are a few tips to help you set up online store to target your customers from the get go. Product images on an online store serve 2 purposes – to attract the attention of the shopper and to get them to execute a positive action. The latter is just a fancy way of saying we want shoppers to react by buying a product.
So, how can an image can be used to influence an action? Well, that depends on what information is shared with the viewer. The type of information shared would depend on the type of product on display.
When deciding on what kind of product image to display on your web store, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and figure out what would grab their attention and what kind of information would they be looking for in such a simple thing as an image.
SEO works only if there is search trafficfor terms related to a product. For example, if you use a keyword tool to analyze traffic for the term ‘Nike Free 3.0’, you’d might discover that that term gets a few thousand searches a month.
Now turn back the clock 6 years, before the iPhone came along. If you had done a keyword analysis for the iPhone back then, it would have returned zero results. No one would be searching for it because no one would have ever heard of it. So, in such a case, there is no point using SEO and PPC.
So, your analytics report says you’ve got lots of traffic from all sorts of sources and you’re even ranking for competitive keywords by accident. Many a merchant would look at you with envy.
But, something is amiss. Your sales figure is lower than Usain Bolt’s 100m world record. What gives?
We’ve already touched on how to make your sites sticky and how to improve conversion in earlier articles. So, in this article, we’ll look at the things a little differently. We’ll try to help you figure out if you’re driving potential customers away. (more…)