How To Set Up Shipping In InstanteStore

Configuring shipping doesn’t have to be complicated.

Our shipping module is pretty powerful and can even be configured to charge shipping from multiple origins to both local and international destinations using different shipping methods and shiprates.

Here’s a quick rundown guide on what you need to do and how to set up basic shipping in InstanteStore.


Google My Business To Be More Visible

If you own a small business or have a store location, getting your business listed on Google is easy. Google My Business aims to be the one stop place integrating Google+, Google Places and all of Google’s suite of tools together. So if you already have a Google Places (previous article about it here) or G+ account, just login and click on My Business.


Amazon Local Register Bumps PayPal

Amazon recently launched its own credit card reader and app called Amazon Local Register. Good news for local businesses that are located  in the States.  Amazon is charging a flat rate of only 1.75% per payment compared to the 2.7% that PayPal is charging. The flat rate is available until 1st January 2016 provided merchants sign up by 31st October 2014 to take advantage of this special offer.


Is Your Site’s Color Scheme Helping To Convert?

For those who’ve been selling consistently online, there’s always the need to find out what else can be done to further improve conversion. I’ve mentioned before on how important it is to have a good site that’s able to bring out or complement the type of products that is being sold and citing some of the top sites that we can learn from. Click here if you haven’t read it.


Why Your Customers Don’t Read Your Newsletters

I almost always choose to receive newsletters from the online stores I buy from. I don’t just do that so I can share what I’ve learned with you guys. I genuinely want to know when they have exclusive offers and be notified when new products are about to hit their shelves. I love to get invites to exclusive sales and I appreciate it when they send me Free Shipping discount codes for my birthday, because shipping anything halfway round the world costs a lot of dough.


Is Cross Selling Doing Your Store More Harm Than Good?

Cross selling is good, as long as you know what, where and when to cross sell. Cross selling helps improve per order value when done right. It also helps improve the image of the store especially if it seems that the items you suggest would actually benefit the shopper in some way.

But cross selling can harm your sales and reputation if you do not put any thought into it.
