A lot of businesses currently have a Facebook and a Twitter account as a minimum. Those who are more into social will definitely have a Pinterest account along with LinkedIn to have a more social presence online. Now it’s one thing to have all these social accounts. It’s a completely different ball game in making sure that you have people liking your site, following you and sharing your postings.
Offer Discount Coupons For Father’s Day 2013

Father’s Day 2013 is just around the corner. Hope you’ve all gotten your promotions set up along with some awesome gift suggestions for dads. Don’t forget to factor in something for grandfathers and would-be-fathers as well. And of course, it’s always a great time to take advantage of the sales and promos that are happening now to get a little something for your brother, boyfriend, fiancee and hubby.
Design Tips From The Top Online Shopping Sites
What do some of the top online shopping sites have in common that draw tonnes of shoppers to buy from them? Nice pictures. Lots of nice, clear and colorful images. Less text. The design of their sites were made in such a way to put all the focus on the products. Whatever that is on the main page of their sites were placed there to capture the attention of shoppers the moment they land on the site. I’m not saying that everyone’s web store should all start looking like these top shopping sites as it would very well depend on what your own online store is selling but there are clear pointers that we could all learn and pick from these top sites.
Add Value To Your Customers’ Online Shopping Experience
Selling at times is quite an art. You need a combination of getting the ‘desire effect’ right. Look at how Apple did it. Their products are more expensive but whenever there’s any product launch (or even a hint of it), everyone goes a bit nuts. Then comes the sales.
But let’s get down to reality here. Not all businesses are like Apple. Normal folks who are just setting up a small online store to sell products need to offer something more to their customers.
Other than the usual buy 2 and get 1 free or free shipping thrown in, one of the best ways would be to add some value to your customers. Depending on what type of product that you are selling, your online store should not only be about your products. It should have a mixture of tips, advice and relevant information to help your customers. Or it could even be a good place for people to visit to get relevant, useful and informative tips and advice. This will help your store’s SEO if you get a lot of natural traffic coming in.
Build Your Own Online Store With Proper Planning
Online Store Tips For The Holiday Shopping Season
Saw the news that Target has already started advertising their Christmas shopping. Most people may think that was way too early (we’re not even done with Halloween or Octoberfest yet!).
However, this should be a clear sign for online business owners to get their store ready for the holiday shopping season and not wait till the last minute.
Please make sure that your store’ s SEO has been tweaked properly. If you’re unsure on how to get that done, click HERE for a reference to our SEO Wizard Green Thumbs Up article.
Pictures And Images Make a BIG Difference For Your Online Store
October is here! Halloween is just round the corner and so is Black Friday, Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday. Yes, time to gear up your online store for the upcoming holiday season. Past month has been exciting with Apple launching their iPhone 5 which got everyone excited. Then there’s the never-ending saga on who’s suing who for patent infringements! Anyway, back to the main thing – Your STORE.
Other than getting your social sites all set up (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Google+, Pinterest, etc) along with your SEO, have you ensured that your product images are of the best quality? Because you could have a terrific site with tonnes of traffic coming but if the fish ain’t biting, maybe it’s time to consider the look of your online store and product images.
InstanteStore Is On Pinterest
It’s been an exciting time for us at the office so far. We recently got our Pinterest page up and running so you could have a look at what we like (it was quite a ruckus when it came to deciding which type of food & desserts to feature!). On top of deciding where would be some awesome holiday destinations.
Visit us at Pinterest.com/InstanteStore and let us know what you think. Feel free to repin. =)
And yes, we couldn’t resist adding the new Apple iPhone5 there along with those new colorful ipod touch as well. If you haven’t set up a Pinterest page for your business yet, I would highly encourage you to do so as part of your SEO marketing plan. This is so that you could share your products and a little bit more about yourself as Pinterest has been gaining ground as one of the fastest growing social media companies.