How To Create And Use Videos For Your Store

Sony video camera

Videos are fantastic tools to help you garner a dedicated following, improve your authority ratings, turn your page into a resource and help you sell your products.

In this post, we’ll look at:

  1. The tools needed to create videos
  2. Uploading your videos to YouTube
  3. Sharing videos
  4. Using videos made by others

You do not have to be Steven Spielberg to make useful, entertaining and effective videos. All you need is a simple though-out plan, a decent video camera and a couple of other tools listed below. Naturally, you’re not going to be able to make videos with full-blown CGI effects displayed in Pacific Rim. But fret not if you have actors who are not able to display emotion in front of the camera; look how much Twilight made at the box office. 😉


Quick Guide To Using The Google Keyword Planner Tool

Look of shock on whitewater rafting dog

How many of you had that exact look when you looked up Google’s Keyword Tool and was presented with the Keyword Planner instead?

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool has been like family to many merchants and SEO experts for about 13 years. Many are still be shock at the demise of this wonderful yet free tool. Maybe ‘Demise’ is too harsh of a term since, in the ‘Google Keyword Planner Tool’, Google has actually combined their legendary keyword tool with their traffic estimator.


Tired Of Shopping Cart Abandonement By Shoppers?

We’ve all gone through it. Before the final payment page we chose to abandon the shopping cart. What triggered it? Shipping rates too high? Additional tax? I usually enjoy shopping online for the best deals but the nightmare usually hits when I see the shipping charges. If the charges were reasonable, I wouldn’t mind paying and completing the checkout process. But when shipping costs more than the product itself or looks totally unreasonable, I confess I’m one of those who would gladly abandon the cart or abort the order. Any buyer would do the same.


Why Your Business Should List On Google Places?

The answer is simple. To gain more exposure in search results on Google Search, Maps, Google+ and on mobile devices. This not only applies to those that have a brick and mortar store. It is also helpful for those who run an online business.

Think about it. Consumers these days use Google to search for products, services and local businesses with their smartphones, tablets or laptops. By providing all the relevant business information when you sign up with Google Places, it helps Google offer a better and more accurate search result to consumers who are looking for specific categories of products and location.


Automatically Social Media Your Blog Posts For Free

Any online business should have a blog not just for SEO purposes but as an avenue to offer valuable advice and tips to customers who want to find out more about your products or services. It’s also a great place to highlight some of the latest happening trends that’s related to your business so that customers and online visitors could gleam some useful information. With social media being vital, you’d want to make sure your blog postings are distributed to important places like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.


Why Isn’t My Store Ranking On Google Search Results?

News Flash for Newbies! Your store is not the only one on the web. It’s true. There are thousands of others which were there way before yours. And all of them are trying to get on the first page of search results so if you’re expecting to see your store on the first page within a few months then you need to bring it down your expectation level a couple of notches unless you…

Pay For Traffic (Pay Per Click)
Paid ads are an easy and possibly a good way to get your site’s link on the first page of search results. But use this method only if you’ve done your research on which keywords convert and which do not. Otherwise you could be looking at lots of traffic headed your way but with no sales to show for it. You could end up burning a hole on your pocket.

Here are a couple of articles to give you a heads-up on this.


Offer Discount Coupons For Father’s Day 2013

Father’s Day 2013 is just around the corner. Hope you’ve all gotten your promotions set up along with some awesome gift suggestions for dads. Don’t forget to factor in something for grandfathers and would-be-fathers as well. And of course, it’s always a great time to take advantage of the sales and promos that are happening now to get a little something for your brother, boyfriend, fiancee and hubby.


Use Google Authorship Markup To Get Your Picture In Search Results

What is Google Authorship Markup?
Google authorship markup is a fantastic way to have the content you’ve created and published be credited to you when it appears in search results. It could be content on blogs you contribute to and even your store.

How does it work?
Well, all you need to do is link your Google+ account to the content you’ve published and vice versa.
