Introducing Template Tuesdays



Hello people!

I bet most of you are all caught up with the Olympics right now. I know everyone at our office is. Yesterday, all the pantry talk was about the fiasco at the women’s fencing event. At lunch just now, we talked about chess becoming an Olympic sporting event in the future and the absurdity of chess players undergoing blood and urine tests for doping.


Opening Ceremony Of The London 2012 Olympics And Your Online Business

Olympic CupcakeThe Olympics is finally here! And what a fun opening ceremony it was with the ‘Queen’ parachuting down from a helicopter with ‘James Bond’ to a crowded stadium. The Brits sure knew how to have some creative fun when it comes to hosting an international event like the Olympics. For the next 2 weeks, all eyes will be on the various events to see which individual or team will capture the gold and glory for their respective countries. Not to mention the world records that will be smashed by a new generation of sportsmen and sportswomen who have trained hard for this moment in time.


Lessons We Can Learn from Roger Federer’s Wimbledon 2012 Win!

This year has been a year full of sporting events especially in these summer months. It started with the French Open in late May, followed by Euro 2012 and then Wimbledon, Le Tour De France (happening now!) and the Olympics in London at the end of the month which everyone is looking forward to! If you’re a sports enthusiast like me, I guess you will practically be glued in front of the tube catching the events and cheering for your fellow countrymen.

But what I really want to talk about is Roger Federer’s win at Wimbledon last Sunday. You may be wondering what has his win got anything to do with business or eCommerce for that matter? There is quite a few lessons that we can learn from the Swiss master’s win actually. As I was sitting there watching the match cheering RF on (sorry Brit fans!), all these thoughts just came to mind and I just wanted to share with all of you here.


Need Some Help With Twitter For Your Business?

Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are a blessing in disguise for many online businesses. While some may enjoy posting updates every day, others may loathe it thinking that it takes up too much of their time.  However, if you’re still clueless on how to get things running, here’s a brief rundown on what you can do with your Twitter account for your business.


Operational Risks – What Are They And How To Deal With Them

Take calculated risks when doing business


“The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events” – that’s how the Basel committee defines operational risks.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at a couple of external events that may affect your ecommerce store.


Access Your Google Analytics While On The Go

Last week I mentioned about making full use of Google for your business. While it’s easy to access your Google Analytics account from our InstanteStore’s Admin panel (just link your account by clicking on the Website Statistics button), it would also require you to use either your tablet, laptop or desktop computer to do so. The Google Analytics page has not been optimized for mobile so viewing the live site format on a 4 inch screen can be a bit taxing.


How’s Your Customer Service Experience?

F18 Super Hornet with Vapor ConeEverybody wants things fast these days. We can’t seem to wait for the coffee to finish boiling. The microwave takes too long to heat up our food. We expect things to get done almost instantly. Those of us who run our own online business might really wish that customers would make their purchases quicker instead of browsing all over, finally picking the products they like … only to abandon their order right before paying! Exasperating, isn’t it? So what can you do about this?

