How To Appease Google’s Panda Update

How to Rank High on GoogleGoogle’s Panda search results ranking algorithm has been around for more than a year now. Its latest update has gotten many site owners up in arms for all sorts of reasons.

The important thing is to not lose focus. Find out how to rank well in Google with these Google search ranking tips.

Natural Evolution Of Search

The reason for this drastic change is simply because Google wants to provide even more accurate or relevant results to search queries fast. But instead of just looking at how well you have done your SEO, they are also starting to look more at other signals to help them reach this end. So apart from keeping to SEO best practices, you’ll also need to do a bit more from now on to meet Google’s requirements.

Find out more on how to rank high on Google after the break. (more…)

Must You Really Have Keywords In Domain Names?

A few years back, it was important to have a targeted keyword in your domain name. Now? Not so much.

I like the rationale Matt Cutts (from Google) gave (check out this video). Basically, he said that, in most cases, it is easier to brand a name which does not contain a keyword. Look at Facebook, Digg and Starbucks. Nothing in their names hint of the services they actually provide. However, they are easy to recall, easy to differentiate and easy to brand. Have you seen the number of Facebook statement t-shirts around? My favorite is the one that says – “You look better on Facebook.”


Special MOLPay Promotion For InstanteStore Merchants

MOLPay is one of South East Asia’s leading payment gateways, steadily growing from strength to strength since 2005. It is a solid option for merchants in search of an award winning and PCI DSS compliant payment gateway.

InstanteStore is now integrated with MOLPay and this venture comes with fantastic benefits to InstanteStore merchants.

The MOLPay promotion for Instantestore merchants include:

To enjoy the benefits of this promotion, contact us and mention ‘MOLPay Offer’. We’ll take care of the rest.

To find out more about MOLPay, click here to visit their site.

What Can We Learn From Apple?

The recent hoo-haa about Apple’s latest iPad launch was massive. Everyone wanted a piece of it! Now let’s think for a moment. If someone had never heard of Apple or ever seen an iPad or ANY Apple products and you ask them whether they want it or not, chances are they would be clueless and would check it out online. Now the moment they WANT IT is when they SEE the images of the product along with the really AWESOME video of what that product can do for them. You probably had the same feeling the moment you saw the new iPad video when you checked out the fuss. Now level with me here. Is that the cheapest tablet? Not really. But what Apple did (other than create really awesome products!) is to appeal to WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT by marketing it in a way to capture their attention and make them want it. They made it look relevant to people’s lifestyle.


It’s February 2012. Have You Started Planning Your Christmas Marketing Campaign Yet?

Prepare Early For The Holiday Shopping Season

Seeing as people shop as early as 6 months before Christmas, it would not be such a bad idea to start planning your holiday shopping promotions a little bit earlier than usual.


Have You Got The Year Planned Out?

Hope all of you had a good time celebrating Valentine’s Day. For those in the States, the recent President’s Day weekend would have been a good holiday break. Speaking of holidays, it’s always good to plan the whole year out for your online business. Like WHEN to put your store on SALE, new PRODUCT launches and special OFFERS. It’s also vital that you have Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas marked early so that you will have a better plan on what to offer during those hectic sale seasons.


Appreciate Your Customers This Valentine’s Day

Ah, yes, February! It’s that time of the year where couples get overly romantic, buying gifts and assorted plant life for one another, trying to impress each other in attempts to proclaim their love and affection.

To merchants, this is yet another opportunity to show your appreciation to your customers. Especially those of the fairer sex. Take the time to APPRECIATE your CUSTOMERS with simple gestures and you will reap the rewards soon enough. Not only will you end up retaining a customer, you may even get new ones once word-of-mouth of your thoughtfulness spreads.

It does not take much to say thank you to a valued customer. You could send a physical Valentine’s card with discount voucher from your store enclosed. You could also enclose a gift voucher for a couple of drinks at a local coffee house. If your store sells cosmetics or beauty products, send them some free samples. For those who are selling toys, send them a small soft toy with a personal note.

For your most valued customer, you could choose to send a PERSONALIZED gift so that they really know that you appreciate them. Send them some chocolates with a personal thank you note that includes your store’s name, logo and address. Don’t get all stressed out if they arrive slightly after Valentine’s Day. A simple Valentine’s Day greeting card or gift – here at InstanteStore, we love chocolates (hint) – would also brighten up anyone’s day.

Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!

Make A Difference With Your Products

If sales have been a bit flat for you, perhaps you need to re-think your marketing strategy or do something innovative with your products to make some waves. My previous blog about SELLING CREATIVELY showcased 2 different companies putting into action different marketing strategies to boost their sales. What was similar was the fact that both companies utilized social media to spread the word to consumers – and it worked!
