When Should You Use PPC?

Image Source: trainerstation.com

“Products like these are ‘hot’ for a short time so you need to sell them while they still have their novelty value”

Traffic is the lifeblood of an online store. To drive traffic to your store, you can optimize it so that it ranks well naturally on search engine results pages (SERPs), or you can use Pay Per Click (PPC).

But why use PPC when you can use SEO to drive traffic to your store?

Though you should always optimize your store for search engines, there are a few situations where PPC would be the way to go.


Does Your Store Have A Facebook Page?

No? Well it should.

The idea of selling on Facebook isn’t really new. A few years ago, blog shop merchants tried to take advantage of Facebook’s half a billion membership base but were not very successful. This was because back then, shopping on Facebook was not a seamless affair. People went to Facebook to socialize, not to waste precious time shopping, especially if they were doing it during office hours. So the mindset wasn’t right back in the day.


Check Out These Cyber Monday Online Shopping Bargains!

Hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving celebrating with family and friends. I was down and out with the flu bug for the whole Thanksgiving weekend (Urgh!). Other than the highlight of shopping madness on Black Friday where shoppers rush OR stampede to get the best deals and door busters from the major retailers, the holiday shopping saga continues with Cyber Monday.


Don’t Forget The Mobile Phone Shoppers!

I was searching for something the other day on my friend’s iPhone and I seriously thought that I needed a pair of glasses (and I am pretty sure I have perfect vision!). Why? Because that online store (won’t mention names) does not have a mobile optimized site! What a bummer! Took ages for me to look for a particular product and I finally gave up.

Anyway, just a shout out to all of you to remember to have your online store MOBILE OPTIMIZED. More and more people are using the smartphones to make purchases these days. More than 33.3 million U.S. consumers already engage in shopping-related activities on their mobile phones, 7%, or 2.3 million, of those consumers have made a purchase on their devices.


Want A Simple Way To Increase Holiday Sales?

The Christmas Sales Rush Is Here……

With Christmas carols playing in the background, Christmas decorations being put up everywhere, retail sales are starting to hit the roof! It should be no different whether it’s for a retail brick and mortar store or an online store. In fact, more and more people are opting to shop online these days to avoid the queue in the check out line for the normal stores. Make the most of this season!


Loads Of Traffic Flowing In From PPC But Still No Sales?

PPC or Pay Per Click is a great way to drive traffic to your store fast. The process is simple enough. You sign up for a PPC account, key in a few keywords to trigger your ad impressions (appearances) and you’re more or less done. People see your ads, click on the links and you get charged for every click.

“However, if you are not careful, you might end up with lots of traffic but no sales”


5 Steps To Properly Utilize Your Content Slider

There’s a tool we have in our solution called the content slider. If you want to get the attention of visitors at your store without much hassle, this is the tool you should use. However, there are a few points you should take note of to ensure that you make the best of this nifty feature.
