A new year is almost upon us. Many of you would have budgeted to give your store a whole new look or at least a fresher-upper. Though having a nice looking store helps in getting visitors to stay longer and browse along, having a store with customized features targeted at your customers can help you convert better.
Ecommerce Web Design
Build Your Own Online Store With Proper Planning
Set Up Online Store Tip – Get More Out Of Your Product Images
Here are a few tips to help you set up online store to target your customers from the get go. Product images on an online store serve 2 purposes – to attract the attention of the shopper and to get them to execute a positive action. The latter is just a fancy way of saying we want shoppers to react by buying a product.
So, how can an image can be used to influence an action? Well, that depends on what information is shared with the viewer. The type of information shared would depend on the type of product on display.
When deciding on what kind of product image to display on your web store, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and figure out what would grab their attention and what kind of information would they be looking for in such a simple thing as an image.
Online Store Tips For The Holiday Shopping Season
Saw the news that Target has already started advertising their Christmas shopping. Most people may think that was way too early (we’re not even done with Halloween or Octoberfest yet!).
However, this should be a clear sign for online business owners to get their store ready for the holiday shopping season and not wait till the last minute.
Please make sure that your store’ s SEO has been tweaked properly. If you’re unsure on how to get that done, click HERE for a reference to our SEO Wizard Green Thumbs Up article.
Pictures And Images Make a BIG Difference For Your Online Store
October is here! Halloween is just round the corner and so is Black Friday, Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday. Yes, time to gear up your online store for the upcoming holiday season. Past month has been exciting with Apple launching their iPhone 5 which got everyone excited. Then there’s the never-ending saga on who’s suing who for patent infringements! Anyway, back to the main thing – Your STORE.
Other than getting your social sites all set up (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Google+, Pinterest, etc) along with your SEO, have you ensured that your product images are of the best quality? Because you could have a terrific site with tonnes of traffic coming but if the fish ain’t biting, maybe it’s time to consider the look of your online store and product images.
Are You Driving Potential Customers Away?
So, your analytics report says you’ve got lots of traffic from all sorts of sources and you’re even ranking for competitive keywords by accident. Many a merchant would look at you with envy.
But, something is amiss. Your sales figure is lower than Usain Bolt’s 100m world record. What gives?
We’ve already touched on how to make your sites sticky and how to improve conversion in earlier articles. So, in this article, we’ll look at the things a little differently. We’ll try to help you figure out if you’re driving potential customers away. (more…)
Help! My Store Isn’t Ready For Christmas Shopping Online
Get a hold of yourself! There’s no need to panic…yet.
Now, they may be still time to get in some competitor and keyword research done for the Christmas shopping online event coming up in a couple of months. But if you are really short of time due to some unforeseen circumstances, there are still a few things you can do to make the best of what time you have left to prep your online store for the online Christmas shopping season.
What you need to do is this:
1 – Put teasers for your upcoming sales to create awareness.
2 – Get your store’s holiday design ready.
3 – Select the items you want to place on sale.
4 – Use every avenue available method to drive traffic to your store.
5 – Prepare for post holiday sales for bargain hunters. (more…)
Introducing Template Tuesdays
Hello people!
I bet most of you are all caught up with the Olympics right now. I know everyone at our office is. Yesterday, all the pantry talk was about the fiasco at the women’s fencing event. At lunch just now, we talked about chess becoming an Olympic sporting event in the future and the absurdity of chess players undergoing blood and urine tests for doping.
Need Design Advice Or Design Help For Your Site?

Last year saw the passing of Steve Jobs, Apple’s founder and CEO which saw a deluge of tributes to him. One of the tributes happened to be a redesigned logo of Apple’s iconic symbol with a silhouette of Steve Jobs incorporated into the bite of a white Apple logo against a black background.
The image which was created by Hong Kong design student Jonathan Mark went viral on the internet after the passing of Jobs. In fact, after the image went viral, that prompted some of the top marketing agencies to hunt him down. (more…)
What Can We Learn From Apple?
The recent hoo-haa about Apple’s latest iPad launch was massive. Everyone wanted a piece of it! Now let’s think for a moment. If someone had never heard of Apple or ever seen an iPad or ANY Apple products and you ask them whether they want it or not, chances are they would be clueless and would check it out online. Now the moment they WANT IT is when they SEE the images of the product along with the really AWESOME video of what that product can do for them. You probably had the same feeling the moment you saw the new iPad video when you checked out the fuss. Now level with me here. Is that the cheapest tablet? Not really. But what Apple did (other than create really awesome products!) is to appeal to WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT by marketing it in a way to capture their attention and make them want it. They made it look relevant to people’s lifestyle.