I always sign up for newsletter updates every time I purchase something online just to see the titles that would be used and, of course, the content within. Apart from that, I also take note of the timing of those newsletters.
Email Marketing
Get Your Products Reviewed. Reviews Help You Sell More.

Product reviews are powerful tools to help you sell products. But they must appear genuine.
In this article, we’ll look at how to go about getting product reviews and what to do when you spot negative reviews about your product.
Email Newsletter Ideas Which Won’t Frustrate Your Subscribers
Email newsletters are a fantastic marketing tool if you use them properly. I signed up for email newsletters from the sites I shop at just to see how they promote their products and I’ve noticed a lot of good and bad things. Here are a few good and bad email newsletter ideas I’d like to share with you.
Offer Discount Coupons For Father’s Day 2013

Father’s Day 2013 is just around the corner. Hope you’ve all gotten your promotions set up along with some awesome gift suggestions for dads. Don’t forget to factor in something for grandfathers and would-be-fathers as well. And of course, it’s always a great time to take advantage of the sales and promos that are happening now to get a little something for your brother, boyfriend, fiancee and hubby.
Add Value To Your Customers’ Online Shopping Experience
Selling at times is quite an art. You need a combination of getting the ‘desire effect’ right. Look at how Apple did it. Their products are more expensive but whenever there’s any product launch (or even a hint of it), everyone goes a bit nuts. Then comes the sales.
But let’s get down to reality here. Not all businesses are like Apple. Normal folks who are just setting up a small online store to sell products need to offer something more to their customers.
Other than the usual buy 2 and get 1 free or free shipping thrown in, one of the best ways would be to add some value to your customers. Depending on what type of product that you are selling, your online store should not only be about your products. It should have a mixture of tips, advice and relevant information to help your customers. Or it could even be a good place for people to visit to get relevant, useful and informative tips and advice. This will help your store’s SEO if you get a lot of natural traffic coming in.
It’s February 2012. Have You Started Planning Your Christmas Marketing Campaign Yet?
Appreciate Your Customers This Valentine’s Day
Ah, yes, February! It’s that time of the year where couples get overly romantic, buying gifts and assorted plant life for one another, trying to impress each other in attempts to proclaim their love and affection.
To merchants, this is yet another opportunity to show your appreciation to your customers. Especially those of the fairer sex. Take the time to APPRECIATE your CUSTOMERS with simple gestures and you will reap the rewards soon enough. Not only will you end up retaining a customer, you may even get new ones once word-of-mouth of your thoughtfulness spreads.
It does not take much to say thank you to a valued customer. You could send a physical Valentine’s card with discount voucher from your store enclosed. You could also enclose a gift voucher for a couple of drinks at a local coffee house. If your store sells cosmetics or beauty products, send them some free samples. For those who are selling toys, send them a small soft toy with a personal note.
For your most valued customer, you could choose to send a PERSONALIZED gift so that they really know that you appreciate them. Send them some chocolates with a personal thank you note that includes your store’s name, logo and address. Don’t get all stressed out if they arrive slightly after Valentine’s Day. A simple Valentine’s Day greeting card or gift – here at InstanteStore, we love chocolates (hint) – would also brighten up anyone’s day.
Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Include A Physical Discount Coupon With Your Products
A few months ago, I purchased a pair of shoes online from a shoe store located on the other side of the planet. What surprised me was that they included a physical discount coupon with the item they sent. It actually turned out to be a good idea because I kept the coupon as a bookmark.
Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software Service – Autoresponders
So what actually are autoresponders and how can merchants take advantage of this feature?
Autoresponders are part of the email marketing arsenal and this tool is available as an ecommerce shopping cart software service feature with the InstanteStore shopping cart solution. There have been tons of articles written about autoresponders as this feature is such an essential part of email marketing campaigns. The concept of autoresponders is fairly simple – remind subscribers through email about your products, offers and the store itself while subtly convincing them to buy your product.
There are a couple of strategies when it comes to autoresponders. Some are more direct than others. But they all share one thing in common – a killer headline or subject line.
Online Business Opportunity Internet Online Marketing Tips For 2010
What a difference a year makes. It seems like only yesterday everyone was putting email marketing at the bottom of their “to do” lists but now it’s back in vogue. Some online business opportunity Internet online marketing tips from yesteryear have made a comeback, while some others are now less relevant.
If you’re looking to start an online business Internet marketing should not be an afterthought. You need to write marketing strategy that will integrate everything the best elements available on the web in order to rank high search engine-wise and successfully convert visitors.